jueves, 25 de julio de 2013

Nuevo Paquete MegaStar - Novo Pacote MegaStar


Nueva Promoción Megastar -  Nova Promoção MegaStar.

Esta nueva oferta incluye:
12 meses + 90 dias de SS (15 meses de SS)
2000 SC
2400 SD
Estatus Royalty "A partir del nivel 12"
y 10 items exclusivos de regalo!!!

Esta nova oferta inclui:
12 meses + 90 dias de SS (15 meses de SS )
2000 SC
2400 SD

Status Royalty "A partir do nível 12"
e 10 artigos originais do presente!
Estos son los regalos del paquete:
Estes são os dons do pacote:

4 comentarios:

  1. The third piece of the ramadan dress is in the chat session!
    And the "Fever" shop, soon is closing down and will put everything to 50% I just found the spoiler!

  2. And there are two free clothes if you are connecting with a proxy for Turkey.
    The first just you have to send a picture.
    The second one must be able to answer the questions correctly (the correct answers: 1-2-3-3-4)

    These are the links:


    1. Oops... Sorry I only saw now that you have already published this!

    2. Non preoccuparti amico così quei vestiti sono già pubblicati da Sabato. Anche così, grazie


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